We met at Oklahoma Christian University. We were juniors, only I thought he was a freshman following me around. Turned out he had transferred there, which explains why I didn't recognize him. The first class we had together was Theory of Coaching Basketball. Yes, you can laugh. The thought of me coaching basketball is very funny. Actually, I could probably do a decent job of coaching it, just not playing it! Anyway...I had given up. I decided there was not anyone for me at this school so I was just going to take care of myself and see what happened. Lo and behold, here's Todd following me out of the gym. You have to give him credit. According to him, he had been watching me and even walked by me during a basketball game that I was cheering at and I have him a dirty look. He still kept coming around. I do not remember the dirty look and am quite sure that it didn't happen. Well, maybe it did, but it was probably God preparing him for things to come! ;).
Once we started getting to know each other we realized all four of our parents had attended Oklahoma Christian at about the same time. We both grew up going to church, we both had two brothers, and both of our moms made spaghetti before church on Wednesday nights. A match made in heaven! But really, what a small world! He asked me to marry him on September 12, 1990. (Grandma Lanier's birthday, so how could I go wrong?) The rest is history.
I think it is so amazing to look back and see how God works in our lives. I will spare you a 19 year history of Todd and Amy, most of it is not that interesting! But, trying to trust God and let Him lead our lives has made for a happy 18 years. I think the trusting God has been the hardest part, at least for me. I am tad bit controlling, in case you don't know me! :) Obviously the best times have been the births of our four kids. Anytime I start to wonder, what in the world was God thinking? I look at those four kids and now that this is His plan. They are such an asset to this world and I am happy to call them my kids. (Okay, I am a little biased, but they are great kids!)
I am looking forward to the next 18 years. It is hard to imagine that in another 18 we might have an empty house. I don't even like to think about it :(. I wish I could slow down time, it's going way to fast. Thank you Todd for being my husband, I know it's not an easy job :). You have given me everything I have ever dreamed of and more.
Our wedding picture. We were married in the same church that my parents were married in. I loved our wedding. Loved my dress, I wish I could wear it around today. And, I love the fact that Todd thinks I could still fit into it :).
Us, after the wedding, heading to my parents house. From there we left in our navy blue Chevette for our honeymoon. Yes, you read it correctly, Chevette. We loved that car! Three guesses where we ate our first meal as husband and wife...Sonic. We were starving!