Monday, May 31, 2010

We Have A Visitor!

I was so excited a few weeks ago to learn that my friend Tenneil was coming to Springfield to see her sister, that meant she had to come see me too!  She is just nice like that!  I met Tenneil when we lived in Iowa and we both attended church in Moline.  She has a little boy Austin that was Callie’s buddy in Bible class and we became fast friends. 


Callie and Austin on their first outing to Whitey’s in Moline, IL. :)

Tenneil (along with a few others) saved my life when we found out we were moving.  She just jumped in and painted and cleaned and whatever else was needed so we could get our house sold.  She is an awesome decorator and staged my house when we put the sign up.  So awesome that the house sold in three weeks!  Needless to say I was ecstatic for her to come see this house and tell me what I should do to it!

We had a great time!  She was able to stay at our house with Austin for two nights before going to her sisters.  We talked and shopped and played and had a great time.  I also got a lot of ideas for my house and bought some stuff to make it more our home.  I don’t know why it helps to have someone with me to say “yes, buy it!”. 

I didn’t take too many pictures, I just don’t think about it.  :( I really am trying to get better at that!!


This picture was from one evening when we went to get the family (and us) some Andy’s Custard.  We made a pit stop at the go-cart track!  We drove past the track and Tenneil commented that she loved go-carts but it always seemed the guys did that while the mama’s sat on the sidelines.  So, we made a u-turn and had some fun!  One of the workers took this with Tenneil’s phone.  Check out the other worker behind my car!  Cracks me up!!!

We talked, shopped, talked, and shopped some more.  I got to know her sister which was nice.  Especially since her sister has lived here longer and knows some of the best places to shop!  We all had a great time hitting flea markets and antique stores.  We had eight kids between us so my big boys did a great job of babysitting in the car at some stops so we could run in and run out!  Such a  good time!

Hopefully she’ll be back soon, we had a great time catching up  and decorating!

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