Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kellen's Big Day

Kellen turned twelve last Sunday, March 8. He was born on his daddy's birthday and he has always loved that. I'm not sure how much Todd loves it, as he is the one that gets the leftovers:) Not really, he always says it was his best gift ever.

Kellen had decided a few weeks ago that he wanted to be baptized on his birthday. Anyone that knows Kellen is not surprised by this, he is a man with a plan! He knew when, what he was going to wear, what he was going to take in a bag in case he needed it (comb, etc.). He is too funny, and luckily is my son because I need someone with a plan in this house!

We have talked a lot about baptism. I printed off a list of scriptures for us to review called the safety chain. It was a great list that made me feel better knowing we tried to cover all the bases. Of course, he knew all the answers. I was actually surprised a little bit, I guess you never realize what they are soaking up.

The big day came and it was a rainy, dreary day weather wise. But we were excited. He had even been able to surprise Grandma and Grandpa, which made his day. They had hardly gotten off the airplane before he said "guess what I am doing Sunday?". They were thrilled that they had picked this time to come. It was nice to have them here. I was worried about myself, I had been crying for two weeks! Every time I thought about it the tears would come. But, anyone that knows me, would be proud to know I hardly needed a Kleenex when the actual time came! I guess I had gotten it all out of my system the weeks before! The thing that got me the most was that as he started down the aisle, the sun came out. No joke, I even heard the people around me talking about it. The sun came out and was out until about the time to leave the building. I couldn't believe it. That is something I will never forget. I don't know how I feel about physical signs from God, but if there are signs in this age, this was one. I know that Kellen will always be a light for God where ever he goes. I really hope I don't mess him up because I think God has big plans for him!

Todd baptized him which made it even more special. He told the congregation that it was Kellen's birthday and that now he had something even more important to celebrate every year on March 8th. Todd did a really good job. He is such a good public speaker, I am always surprised for some reason. We don't see that side of him at home, which I guess is a good thing! Gannon did want to know why daddy didn't go in the water since "it was birthday too".

It was a wonderful day. We have a small congregation, they all seem to love our kids and were all so excited for Kellen and made him feel very special. Our good friends Laura, Josh, Ryan and Emily came after their church, in the rain, to witness Kellen's baptism. Thank you!! Nothing touches a mama more than to know that their kids are loved.

Todd baptizing Kellen. Everyone came up afterwards saying they wanted to run up and take the flowers down so we could actually see Kellen. Oh well, we all know he was in there!

Our preacher Lance Love, Kellen and Todd after the baptism.

All the kids coming up to congratulate Kellen.

Garrett hugging Kellen and their friend.

Kellen and mama.

Family picture. Todd, Gannon, Garrett, Kellen, Mama, Callie

Grandpa, Kellen, and Grandma

Nothing at all to do with the baptism, or Kellen's big day, but I couldn't resist the picture of Callie and her BFF Emily. They must have called each other to see what they should wear to church that day!

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