Madison and Dorothy.
Kellen, Mallori, Garrett, and Madison with people from Star Trek.
Kellen, Mason, Garrett, Mallori, and Madison with Indiana Jones.
We are so lucky to have bunches of cousins for the kids to play with. We are so glad to be closer to Oklahoma so that we can spend time with all of them. Clay came with his kids during their Spring Break and we had a great time! His kids are twelve, ten, and six, so they have always had so much fun playing together. It is nice that his oldest two are girls because Callie is in love with them, so they were pretty much stuck with her the whole time! I guess nice for me, maybe not so nice for them!
Callie and Gannon watching for them out the back window :).
They hadn’t been here very long before the manicures began. Callie chose lime green sparkles this time.
Madison and Callie sitting at the little table coloring. Callie was in heaven with a girl to play with! Sometime I need to dig out pictures we have of Kellen and Madison sitting at this table when they were two. Amazingly this little table has lasted through all the moves!
The guys assuming their Spring Break position.
Kellen and Mallori checking things out in his room.
Gannon and Mason sharing a MP3 player!
Callie just knew she would be able to sleep with “the girls” downstairs. I think Madison and Mallori wanted her too but they would have been sorry when she woke them up three or four times during the night!
The first night they were here they did a haunted house for us, complete with costumes and all. It was hysterical!
Here they are walking around being scary. I hate to tell them they are all too cute to be scary!
Callie getting in on the action with the night vision goggles.
Whew! And this was just the first day! I’m going to have to turn this into two or three posts we had so much going on. But, they had a great time, snow and all. Yes, we had two gorgeous days, then two days of rain, sleet and snow. Hello mother nature, it’s spring break! Luckily our kids are good at making the best of the situation, so they had so much fun!
Backtracking to what we’ve been doing the last few weeks, we will head to Kellen’s birthday party. We decided to invite some of his friends and their families. Since we do things pretty last minute, only one family could come and two friends came without their families. Turned out great! Since this was our first “company” in this house it was good to start small!
Kellen with Abe, Garrett and Christian.
Kellen blowing out his candles. He chose brownies and ice cream, so I was off the hook for making some lame cake! Not that cake is lame, but when I try to decorate one, it comes out lame! Our friends Steve and Amy are looking on. I love how it looks like Steve is blowing out candles too!
We ate pizza and the boys all played hide-and-seek in the dark in the basement. They had a GREAT time while the parents got to sit upstairs and visit. Works for me! After everyone left, Kellen’s friend Hunter spent the night. Kellen and Hunter have become fast friends here in Nixa. This is Hunter’s first year to homeschool, which makes it nice for them. The boys have similar schedules and interests. We are so glad to have found Hunter!
This is Hunter carrying supplies out to the “fort”. We have this little stretch of trees out behind our house. The boys have been spending many hours out there building and arranging and I don’t know what all!
The fort. Love the pizza box in the middle! They are really roughing it!
Garrett digging a hole.
Kellen, Hunter, and Garrett
A great birthday party with new friends! We have been blessed here to make friends so much faster than we usually do! I don’t know what it is this time around, but it has been fun! The boys are having a great time being outside. Still no neighbors, so they have the run of the place! And this little stretch of trees is as close to nature as I ever plan to live, so they are enjoying it while they can!
I think turning ten ranks up there with the big birthdays like sixteen, or eighteen, or forty! At least it has been that way for my boys. Something about going from one digit to two is a big deal, your not a little kid anymore. Garrett turned ten this week! He was beyond thrilled!
This is Garrett doing his Oscar Winning act after seeing his Nerf Bow and Arrow that he has wanted forever! (He is really not crying!)
Excited about some Yankees World Series figures! (It’s a guy thing!)
We spent the day doing our usual birthday activities, starting with no school! We take the day off of school work when it is a child’s birthday, just because we can! We got a double bonus yesterday since it was daddy’s day off. So, Garrett started out the day doing whatever he wanted, which for us usually includes shopping with birthday money and eating. What’s not to love!.
I have a love/hate relationship with my kids birthdays. It is so exciting to see them be so excited. But, it is so sad to see how fast time flies! Ten years is a long time, but I can remember the day Garrett was born like it was yesterday! Again, we decided not find out what we were having, but I just knew it was a boy. I was so excited when he was a boy so that we would have brother’s in our house. I must say I was shocked that he was so different than Kellen. I know, it should have been obvious, but you think, ok a baby, a boy, I can do this. Wrong! He is his own kid and I am so happy about that!
Garrett is such a fun-loving guy.
Garrett at the Hollywood Wax Museum
He is always up for doing something fun, and he would love it if that fun involved a ball of some sort! He has energy that never goes away. Garrett is also sensitive and thoughtful. He is not vocal about it, but you can see in his face that things really bother him. Things like his siblings being disciplined. He can’t stand it! He gets very upset if they are upset! Tenderhearted would be a great word to describe him. He will be a great husband because he is so fun, but so sensitive. And he can fix anything! He loves to work with his hands and will work at it until he gets things done. A quality everyone should have!
Ok, I’ll try to not go on and on, but one more! Garrett is so great with his siblings. He and Kellen can play all day, any number of things. But then Garrett can play with Gannon and be a great playmate. And Callie. It has been such a joy to see the boys with a girl. Garrett especially. I really think he is in awe of her. It is funny to watch her with him. If she needs a drink or some kind of care, she looks for Kellen. But, when she is ready to play, she looks for Garrett. They run, chase, tickle, wrestle. You name it, and she loves it. And so does he! He is a such a good big brother to her.
I am so thankful for God’s blessings in my life. I am so thankful for the blessing of Garrett being our son. We can learn so much from our kids if we take time to know them and I have learned so much from Garrett. I am thankful for this time. Garrett really does make me look better than I am!
Happy Birthday Garrett! Your daddy and I love you more than you know. Your brothers and sister love you and love spending time with you. Thanks for being you and loving God in the process. You are the best Garrett I know!