Remember when I said I couldn't look at the picture of Kellen and Madison from Christmas? This is why.
They will be teenagers this year. Kellen's birthday is this month, Madison's is in October. I can't stand it. They have always had a special friendship. They used to just play and play and have always gotten along so well together. We haven't gotten to spend as much time with Madison the last few years. Life does that sometimes. When you live in Iowa you can't just say, "hey come over for dinner." Well, you can, but people in Oklahoma can't just run over. Hopefully we'll get to spend more time will all of our family now that we are closer.
Kellen and Madison at her baby shower.
Going to a pumpkin patch with Grandma and Grandpa, 1998
Kellen and Madison at Great-Grandpa McDonald's house for Christmas 1998.
Riding rides at the Oklahoma State Fair. I think this was 1999, I don't see any little siblings there, and the siblings were born in 2000.
At the same fair, getting ready to watch Disney On Ice.
Halloween 2000 at the Oklahoma City Zoo.
Summer 2007 when Clay and kids visited us in Iowa.
Have no idea the date, I am guessing 2007, but this is at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
The Cousin Rockers!Summer 2009, we were visiting Oklahoma.
Christmas 2009. Can't we go back in time!?
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