Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Odds And Ends

Here is just a sampling of pics from September!


Callie in her OU dress with her umbrella, in case of rain!


Garrett riding a pony at Lambert’s.  Ha!  he would be my cowboy if we would stay somewhere long enough to find him a place to ride horses!



My parents came for a visit and took this family picture for us.  Didn’t get any pictures of them!  Oops!

blog18blog2  Callie dressed for game day.  How cute is this!


blog4We had a bunch of rain, right at the beginning of fall baseball of course!  The boys were enjoying singing in the rain!

blog10 Garrett doing some kind of bug experiment at homeschool co-op.

blog12 On one of daddy’s days off we went downtown Springfield to eat and try out the cupcake place!

blog13 Gannon’s yummy choice!

blog14 Callie is loving her cupcake!

blog15I took a few days and went to Dallas, BY MYSELF!  I made an IKEA run and did some other shopping!  A much needed break!  Thanks Todd!!


The boys started fall baseball.  Yes, we are backwards this year.  Spring football and fall baseball.  Oh well! blog19blog20 blog28


Baseball fans!


The Sam’s stores in Springfield had a combined picnic complete with blow-up activities for the kids.  This was some kind of thing where you push the other person off their little perch.  I think they were loving it!

blog22 blog23 blog24Gannon and Callie enjoying the bouncy house.




Kerry said...

Your kids are always having so much fun! I love all the pictures of them--great memories! :)

I'd love to make a trip to IKEA sometime. I haven't been there in way too long!

Amy said...

Just call! I'm always up for an IKEA trip!