Are you wondering what I am going to write about? Well, if you know me at all you know it is not what the title could be about. Well, maybe it could be about that. Besides getting more and more behind in just living, I am getting more of a behind in the process! But, I don’t think we want to hear about that.
I haven’t posted much lately, as I am behind in everything. I have moments like this every so often, where there are just more things that need to be done than can get done. I know some of this is because I tend to make things harder than they have to be. But, hey, at least I made it to Easter before I failed my New Year’s resolution! ( New Year's Post here :) )So, hopefully, I’m back on track and will be catching you up on our lives from the last few weeks. Spring has spring and we are excited! Spring and summer in a new area, so there will be lots of exploring and adventure! I’ll try to keep up with blogging about it, I know all three of you that read are sitting on the edge of your seats!
Glad to hear from you!! I just realized I never messaged you tacky of me :(
I've just been in 'transition' and the dust is settling now.
Talk to you soon and can't wait to hear from you more:)
You teased us for a few weeks...
Yes, I've been MIA, or something to that affect!
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