Friday, February 13, 2009

Good-Bye Grass:(

We've been enjoying seeing our grass for the first time since November, but looks like that is about to change. Todd thinks the snow will be here by 11:00, I think 2:00. The weather says 4:00. I know, who cares, but thats how it is in the north! You plan your day around the snow storms. Of course Todd is worried about sales more than anything. We are supposed to go to Bible study at 10:30, hope it holds off until after that. The girl that hosts it wanted to serve lunch for Valentine's Day. I would hate for her to go to any trouble then no one be able to come.

We are excited for Valentine's Day tomorrow. Our friends Laura, Ryan, and Emily are coming over for lunch, then we'll do our family candlelight dinner when Todd gets home. The boys have been looking forward to this since we moved into our house because our dining room has a dimmer switch. I always have so many candles no one can enjoy the dinner because they think the house is going to burn down! Now, we can have a couple of candles and dim the lights and see what we're eating! I wonder what Callie will think?!

Callie getting ready to sweep. She loves her broom. Our friend Ryan let us use his since there is not one to be found in the Quad-Cities. Thanks Ryan!

Oldie but goodie. This was in 2005, who knew they would get so much use out of those jerseys!

Another oldie but goodie. We drove across the border to a Wisconsin rest stop so MMM could say they'd been to Wisconsin. Good times! (Hi Madison!)

Video from Callie's Birthday, she wasn't too thrilled with her cake!

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